Welcome to Heavenly Healing - where your highest and best is top priority

A received heavenly Message from the Archangels to share God's love with
others will be ongoing and updated weekly.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Hope Within Your Heart

Hope within your heart is the knowingness that all will unfold on your spiritual journey for your highest and best in that moment of time regarding the situation you are presently in.
Hope within your heart is understanding there is a bigger picture than the present time frame that you are experiencing, that knowingnness that love surrounds all situations no matter how dire they may seem to the outside world.
Hope within your heart is trusting that all is in Divine Order with learning, growths, and love, God's love, at the core of it all.
Hope within your heart is showing and sharing your love of God's love within you. Your example of this knowingness of love, God's love within you for your highest and best, inspires others on their spiritual path.
Hope within your heart is sharing love. Love is all there is.
Go in this knowing.
Archangels Gabriel, Uriel, Haniel, Zadkiel, Michael
Blessed Mother Mary

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Knowing Within

Knowing within is innate in all of us. It is that recognition of awareness of being our highest and best in what we have done in our loving intentions, responses, and actions in our every day of being on our spiritual journey on earth.
Knowing within is our own actual assessment of ourselves and our free will choices taken every day.
Knowing within that you have shown loving behaviors, shared kindnesses when opportunities presented themselves, had courage to speak in a kinder way, and came from your loving heart in all that you have done, is showing and sharing your love within to others.
Knowing within is known by all, but due to the many different paths one has walked, being able to put forth might not be attainable. Know your example putting forth this love, this knowing within, helps others to emulate your example. Love is all there is.
Go in this knowing.
Archangels Gabriel, Uriel, Sandalphon, Michael, Zadkiel, Haniel
Blessed Mother Mary 

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Peace In Your Every Day

Peace in your every day is present in all of us. It is that knowingness that God so loves us and is with us every step of our day. It is that awareness that God's love surrounds us wherever we are and whatever we are doing on our spiritual journey.
Peace in your every day is so fulfilling within ones being. It is that knowing trust within of having done the best we can for our highest and best in that moment of time.
Peace in your every day is recognizing and appreciating these gifts of God's love given to us on our path of learning and growth.
Peace in your every day is loving and honoring you sharing God's love within you for your highest and best on your earthly journey.  
Peace in your every day is love. Love is all there is.
Go in this knowing.
Archangels Gabriel, Ariel, Sandalphon, Michael, Uriel, Haniel, Zadkiel
Blessed Mother Mary

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Loving Truth

Loving truth is the most heartfelt truth within that one can share with another. It is that openness within one's heart of the honoring within them and sharing that pure loving truth from their core of being.
Loving truth is having the courage to speak these truths of honor when social mores, ethnic backgrounds, or standards not of the highest and best, are commonplace.
Loving truth is showing honor to you. It is that knowingness of God's love within you. You are a child of God and your examples of loving truth are sharing God's love that is innate in your being.
Showing loving truth in your every day is coming from your heart in who you are and what you say and do in your actions, words, and deeds.
Loving truth comes from your heart center within. Loving truth is being and sharing love. Love is all there is.
Go in this knowing.
Archangels Gabriel, Raziel, Haniel, Michael, Sandalphon. Zadkiel, Uriel
Blessed Mother Mary

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Gratefulness is that knowingness within that you are so loved, so protected in that love, so watched over and cared for in God's love of you, and the fulfillment in that knowingness.
Gratefulness is knowing, realizing that all is for the greater good of mankind, God's love of you in all things, and that awareness that God sees and knows all that is in and on your path, journey on earth.
Gratefulness is appreciating all around you, trusting in the bigger picture than just that moment of seeing.
Gratefulness is aspiring and fufilling your responsibilities by your actions, words and every day being of person.
Gratefulness is showing love in all that you do and in who you are and what you stand for as a person.
Gratefulness is realizing that God is in charge and so loves you in every aspect of you on your spiritual journey.
Gratefulness is being love in who you are and what you do.
Gratefulness is love. Love is all there is.
Go in this knowing.
Archangels Gabriel, Michael, Uriel, Sandalphon, Zadkiel, Uriel, Haniel