Welcome to Heavenly Healing - where your highest and best is top priority

A received heavenly Message from the Archangels to share God's love with
others will be ongoing and updated weekly.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Being Grateful

Being grateful each day is recognizing all the love that is around you, and honoring that love you feel, you see, and are a part of, on your earthly journey.
Being grateful is knowing God so loves you and oversees all that you are encountering in your daily path of learning and growing on this earth.
Being grateful is celebrating all the every day joys one experiences. Being grateful can include seeing the smiles on your child's face in the morning, the job that provides for your family, your home to come to at the end of the day. Being grateful can be for your friends that care for you, and your loving family around you.  
Being grateful can touch all of your daily living when you take the time to be grateful.
Being grateful in times of challenge can make one aware of the truths of situations and the bigger picture than that moment in time.
Being grateful is appreciating and the knowingness of God's love all around you.
Being grateful is showing love. Love is all there is.
Go in this knowing.
Archangels Gabriel, Raziel, Zadkiel, Michael, Uriel, Sandalphon
Blessed Mother Mary

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Patience in your every day is an emotion, a happening, an occurrence that one experiences at many times on their spiritual journey.
Patience is an understanding that more is at stake than the present place you are in, and that time frame of thought, extra within given, can help the outcome to be at its highest and best presented.
Patience is knowing that extra time, extra effort, extra understanding of your within, will make a loving difference to the end result of a desired goal. 
Patience is showing love in your actions, realizing that another's level of achievement is at another level than your own. It is honoring that person and their abilities in their time frames on this planet.
Patience is listening, truly listening to another's thought process even if you are of another mindset.
Patience is allowing oneself to be open to another avenue of thinking.
Patience is understanding and honoring another and understanding and honoring you.
Patience is kindness and showing love to another. Love is all there is.
Go in this knowing.
Archangels Gabriel, Michael, Uriel, Sandalphon, Zadkiel, Haniel
Blessed Mother Mary

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Go Forth In The Knowing

Go forth in the knowing is a statement from ones within to another. It is that moving forward with inner strength, inner knowing of truth on your spiritual journey, your path on this earth.
Go forth in the knowing is that confidence within your inner being that you are going forward for your highest and best in the present of time.
Go forth in the knowing is that belief and trust in God, that God's love is with you with this innate knowing within you, going forward.
Go forth in the knowing is proceeding with caution, yes at times, but knowing your inner goals of achievement and attainment for you. Know God's love is at the core of all your actions.
Go forth in the knowing is knowing truth, your truth within wrapped in God's love, honoring it, and honoring you.
Go forth in the knowing is knowing that God is your center and always with you. God so loves you my child.
Go in this knowing.
Archangels Gabriel, Michael, Uriel, Sandalphon, Zadkiel, Raziel, Haniel
Blessed Mother Mary

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Gifts Of The Heart To Another

Gifts of the heart to another is a free will choice of sharing your innermost heartfelt self to another. It is that free will choice of knowing your path, your choice of doing for another, is in the interest of the highest and best for the person or persons involved.
Gifts of the heart to another comes freely, naturally to another, in ones every day. It is a choice within ones being to move forward with these gifts or not. Know this.
Gifts of the heart to another can be showing kindness, reaching out in times of need, sharing your talents and gifts of time when needed.
Gifts of the heart to another do not have a category or definition. They are a response to a heartfelt need you see, observe, and act upon.
Gifts of the heart to another is sharing love. Love is all there is.
Go in this knowing.
Archangels Gabriel, Raziel, Haniel, Michael, Uriel, Sandalphon, Zadkiel
Blessed Mother Mary