Welcome to Heavenly Healing - where your highest and best is top priority

A received heavenly Message from the Archangels to share God's love with
others will be ongoing and updated weekly.

Sunday, May 25, 2014


Fortitude is a gift of inner strength given and blessed in God's love to each and everyone of us on our spiritual journey on earth. It is ones' inner strength that one goes to for reevaluation, nurturing, awareness, inner knowing that you are on the right path, highest and best on roads of trials, roads of circumstance, that can test ones' within.
Fortitude is a knowing that God's love is always a part of you, within you, and His loving presence gives you that inner knowing of knowledge to help you on your journey.
Your fortitude, your inner strengths, trusting in God and His love of you in your every day, is an example for many. Know this my child.
Your fortitude is sharing God's love within you. Love is all there is.
Go in this knowing.
Archangels Gabriel, Uriel, Ariel, Michael, Sandalphon, Zadkiel
Blessed Mother Mary

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Trusting In God

Trusting in God is knowing you are loved always.
Trusting in God is knowing you are on a spiritual journey of learning and growing in His love and His love is with you always.
Trusting in God is knowing that there is more to unfold on your journey than the present moment in time you are in.
Trusting in God is sharing God's love within you in your loving actions, words, and ways of being each day. You are an example of goodness, kindness, and caring going forth, reflecting God's love within you and His love of you. God so loves you my child.
Love is all there is.
Go in this knowing.
Archangels Gabriel, Raziel, Zadkiel, Michael, Uriel, Ariel
Blessed Mother Mary

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Peace within Your Heart

Peace within your heart is a place within each and everyone of us when you know you have given your highest and best in a situation, and asking God to lead the way.
Peace within your heart is a fulfillment within you, and your heart is at peace from your loving efforts put forth.
Peace within your heart is knowing you are on your unique journey on earth, and all one experiences is part of the bigger picture to unfold.
Peace within your heart is trusting in God and His love of you always. He is always with you my child.
Peace within your heart is being love and sharing love in all you are and do each day.
Peace within your heart comes from love. Love is all there is.
Go in this knowing.
Archangels Gabriel, Uriel, Michael, Ariel, Sandalphon, Zadkiel
Blessed Mother Mary

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Helping Another

Helping another is an innate gift of love within all of us to share on our journey on earth. From God's love within each one of us, this desire to help another reaches into the depths of our being.
Helping another, being kind, being caring, being love in who we are, fulfills within that desire to make a loving difference for someone else on our path.
Helping another is a free will choice. Everyone has the option to choose to be helpful or to take another path. We all know that difference when an opportunity of helping another presents itself. We truly do.
Helping another can be fulfilled in many ways, - from a listening ear, - to an offer of profound proportions. Know the choice, coming from your loving heart to help another, comes from love. Helping another is love. Love is all there is.
Go in this knowing.
Archangels Gabriel, Uriel, Ariel, Haniel, Sandalphon, Michael
Blessed Mother Mary