Welcome to Heavenly Healing - where your highest and best is top priority

A received heavenly Message from the Archangels to share God's love with
others will be ongoing and updated weekly.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Peace In Your Heart

Peace in your heart is the place within each and everyone of us when we know all is to the best of our doing, our participation, our involvement, and that God oversees all in His love.
Peace in your heart comes from your journey of hope, your faith, knowing of God's love always, and trusting in this, giving you peace in your heart as you walk your spiritual path each day.
Peace in your heart can be difficult at times to feel, due to circumstances presented. These moments, times of challenge can test one's within, one's faith in God's love. Know God is always with you. These are the times especially to give these situations to God, - to let go and let God, - for that peace in your heart to come forth and know you have done the best you can on the path you walked. God's love is always with you my child. Love is all there is.
Go in this knowing.
Archangels Gabriel, Ariel, Uriel, Sandalphon, Zadkiel, Raziel, Michael
Blessed Mother Mary

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